MagX Wikipedia article

MagX and PureX

MagX and PureX are the commonly used names for the compound chemical substances developed from magical blood. MagX and PureX are illegal in every member state of the United Nations.


The first mention of “Magical Blood Extract” (MBEX) appeared in a thesis written by Stella Wyndham, a student at Department of Biochemistry at King’s College in London in 1965. Three years later, Lyndham was a member of the team of researchers, led by Dr. Lucius Abel. On April 22 1968, Dr. Abel and his team managed to extract the glaukocytes from a blood sample taken from a so-called “Shifter”. The resulting product was injected into four lab rats. Three of the rats died instantly, but the fourth changed into a crow within the first minute after the injection. The crow then started to change back to its original rat form, but died during the transformation. Dr. Abel described the state of the animal as “grotesque and beautiful at the same time” in his paper following the study.

During the following years, several other successful extraction experiments were performed at other institutions, but the leading work was done by Dr. Abel and his team. Stella Wyndham was instrumental in this work until her untimely death in a fire in 1973.
When Dr. Abel went missing while on holiday in Spain in 1974, the project was cancelled by the college.

Product development

MBEX in itself has no practical use, and both the World Health Organization (WHO) and all member states of United Nations (UN) have laws prohibiting the use or further manufacturing of products based on MBEX.
During the 1980’s, however, an illegal laboratory in Stevenage, London, was raided by the police. Inside, several containers were found, with a substance called “MBEX-Alfa”. During the investigation, the police found that the substance was a re-engineered form of blood, with the number of blue blood cells reduced.
Several other labs existed, however, and during the next three decades the new substance found its way to the consumers on the illegal drug market. MagX was born.

Manufacturing process

MagX is manufactured by separating the various components of blood from a magical being. This process is called fractionation and is performed by centrifuging the blood.
The resulting components are:

  • a clear solution of blood plasma in the upper layer of the centrifuge tube
  • the buffy coat, which is a thin layer of leukocytes (white blood cells) mixed with platelets in the second layer
  • erythrocytes (red blood cells) at the third layer of the centrifuge tube, below the leukocytes, and
  • glaukocytes (blue blood cells) in the bottom of the tube

The blood plasma has identical chemical characteristics with normal human blood, but is still considered “chemical waste” and usually destroyed or disposed.

The ratio between the wite, red and blue blood cells vary depending on the purity of the blood. Pure magical blood will have a typical ratio of 1:600:1000, although the number of red and blue cells can vary between 600—700 (red) and 1000—1200(blue) respectively. Pure magical blood will therefore have a violet colour.

The number of blue blood cells in Mixed race magicals (MRMs) are typically lower, between 20 and 50 being the norm. Extremely low numbers of 1—5 blue blood cells per white cell have been observed, and although the magical powers of the individual are weak, they are still considered to be magical beings. MRM blood can have a number of colours, ranging from purple to red, depending on level of dilution (ratio of blue blood cells to white)

Magical blood is lethal to humans, even in its most diluted form. However, when the number of blue blood cells is increased to levels above 10000:1 (blue to white ratio), a chemical reaction (magfusion) occurs. This is what enables manufacturers to produce the drug version of MBEX, called MagX/PureX.

MagX vs PureX

MagX/PureX is produced by assembling all the components of the original blood, but with a significantly higher number of blue blood cells, ranging from . Simply put, the higher number of blue cells, the stronger is the magical and narcotic effect of the end product.

PureX is basically MagX manufactured from pure magical blood, and contains approximately 50 000 blue blood cells to every white (1:600:50000). Its extremely rare, and is thus valued significantly higher on the market than its counterpart, MagX.

Scientists have tried to manufacture PureX from diluted blood, simply by increasing the number of blue blood cells, but it has yet proven impossible. The consensus among scientists is that diluted blood has inferior magic capabilities to pure blood.

Illegal use

The term MagX became popular in the early 2000’s, while PureX is a relative new term, coined by Victor Edwards, Science Editor in The London Times, in his column “I Was Just Thinking …” in June 2015.
Unless specifically addressing PureX, however, the term MagX is generally used for all products.

MagX products

MagX is distributed in three forms:


Between 5-7 cm, with approximately 0,05—0,1 ml (5—10 μl/microlitres) of active MagX “smeared” on the strip. Approximately 95 % of all MagX is distributed as strips.


Varying in size, form and colour, often with symbols and letters imprinted – much like MDMA and Ecstasy. Usually contains the same excipients as medical tablets (binders, flavors and coatings etc.), and approximately 0,05—0,1 ml (5—10 μl/microlitres) of active MagX. Tablets are rarely sold on the streets, and make up only 2 % of the market.


Glass or plastic vials of 10—20 ml. Contains saline solution and approximately 0,5—1 ml of active MagX. Vials are also rare, with about 3 % of the market, but increasing as users have turned to injecting MagX/PureX more and more because effects come faster.

PureX is only known to be distributed in vials as of August 2019.

Effects and adverse effects

The short term effects of MagX use vary from product to product and from user to user. The main effects are divided into:

Magical power

Depending on the magical power of the original blood, the user will experience some form of that same magical power. However, even the strongest forms of MagX will never give the user the full force of the magical effect. PureX users have sometimes been known to experience full magical powers, although none of these claims have been scientifically tested or proven.
The effect usually lasts between 15 minutes and two hours, again depending on the strength of the dosage.
Users have tried to multiply the power or duration of the effect by increasing the number of doses, but no known cases exist where this has had any success. Sadly, the most common result of taking multiple doses is death – usually within minutes of intake.

Drug effect

The drug effects have been compared to those of LSD, with hallucinations, mood changes (from “spaced-out bliss” to extreme terror) and delusions.

Long term adverse effects.

The human liver absorbs most of the MagX and disposes it through urine. A small percentage, typically 0.1—0.5 % of the active MagX will be taken up by the users’ bloodstream, causing the magical and drug effects. After the effects have vanished, the remaining MagX will be forced out by the users’ immune defence, usually during the first 12—15 days after use.
Humans are not capable of using MagX or PureX frequently or over long periods of time. The main reason is the increased heart rate during the effect period. This strain will reduce the hearts’ ability to function if the user isn’t given enough time to recover (12—15 days). Heavy users, however, are known to take MagX as often as twice a week. The life expectancy of such frequent users rarely exceed six to eight months, and the vast majority of deaths come as a result of a heart attack.

MagX market

The MagX market is estimated by the United Nations to £8—10 billion in 2018.

Forms of distribution/selling points

MagX is for the most part sold on the streets, through illegal networks of dealers.
PureX is (as of August 2019) only known to be sold at illegal auctions on the Dark Web.

See also:

Interview with a Harvester